Lana Foster


I was born in Russia. I have lived in 5 different cities in 3 different countries: Russia, the USA and the UK. I studied at 5 universities, visited 15 countries and moved house 21 times. In 6 of my homes, I changed the interiors.  I have been the proud owner of 9 Macs over the years; 2 disappeared without a trace. I purchased 5 winning lottery tickets, the amount wasn’t significant, but I consider myself lucky.

I married only once and have one child. I like to travel light.

I have worked at 6 different creative agencies and a further 20+ as part of my freelance work for brands such as Guinness, Master Card, Visa, P&G, GSK, Pfizer, Amazon, Sky and many more.

In my many roles I have covered ATL, BTL, experiential, PR, branding, internal comms, and B2B.

I joined The Information Lab most recently, and it wasn’t a fluke. I like facts. I also like people who like facts.

The Information Lab is a truly unique company that is far from conventional. They don’t do things by the book, which is incredibly refreshing.  I am very excited about working with this fantastic group of Data enthusiasts.

The makers

My family is everything to me, and what a family we are! My husband is an architect, and my daughter is a keen writer. We always have a project on the go, from editing an animated film to restoring fireplaces. Most recently, I’ve been making planters from Hypertufa. Some of my projects you can see here. Interiors

1st Floor, 25 Watling Street, London, EC4M 9BR
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